Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bought the Farm

Before my husband retired we bought a farm. An old, neglected farm, complete with ramshackle barns, a pond and rusty old farm equipment. The farm is in the middle of nowhere, on a winding lane in the hills where no one ventures. It is Paradise.

There are no animals on the farm anymore. Just me and my husband and our two cats. What's that? Oh, Mimi and Piglet aren't animals! Certainly not! Why, the very idea of it! No, no, Mimi and Piglet are not ordinary cats...not like those domesticated felines other households keep. No, they are much, much more. But I digress. More about Mimi and Piglet later. For now, shall we simply agree that there are no animals on our farm? Hmm?

So here we are, two folks from the New York City area living on a seen-better-days farm, miles from family and friends and far removed from the bustling lifestyle we once knew. From time to time I'll fill you in on what's happening here on the farm. Particularly, on what's going on in the garden because I've found I like playing in the dirt. Who would have guessed?


Anonymous said...

What sweet photos!

Unknown said...

Of COURSE they're not animals--they look like they're related to the very naughty Mungus catchild at our funnyfarm. Love the new blog and its design; you have several blogs and I don't know how you keep up-I have issues with one!